Dhammachai Dhutanga 2012
Why do we arrange this dhutanga? Who will get the benefit from it? Who participate to arrange it?
จัดพิมพ์หนังสือภาษาอังกฤษของ หลวงพ่อธัมมชโย
ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมต้อนรับปีทอง แห่งการเผยแผ่วิชชาธรรมกายไปทั่วโลกพุทธศักราช 2553 ด้วยการสนับสนุนการจัดพิมพ์หนังสือภาษอังกฤษของหลวงพ่อธัมมชโย รวม 3 เล่ม ได้แก่ 1.At Last You Win 2.Golden Age of Inner Peace 3.East Meets West
Why do we need to build good people network? How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
I’d like to ask for Luang Phaw’s explanation for what you told us to build good people network. How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
Gambling Do We Need It?
Do you want to marry a gambler? I may start with a question that seems funny, but I believe that I will get a “No” answer from most people. Most people do not like seeing others, misfortunes.
If a doctor cures the illness and it happens that the medical treatment has side effects causing the patient to death, is the doctor at fault?
In the case that the doctor cures the illness and it happens that the medical treatment has side effects causing the patient to death. I would like to ask if the doctor is at fault?
จาตุรนต์ห่วงใช้ IT แต่คนคิดไม่เป็น
Some people think there shouldn’t be any resolution when making merit, because it is as if one is greedy or one expects something in return. How to correct this misunderstanding?
Some people think there shouldn’t be any resolution when making merit, because it is as if one is greedy or one expects something in return. I don’t know how to correct this misunderstanding.
My Beloved Grandmothers
What demerit caused her mother to be paralyzed, have diabetes, and have both her legs amputated? Did letting her hair grow long and requesting to have a longer life at the Phra Gan Shrine enable her to live for another 10 years? What demerit caused her father to have bleeding in his digestive system and die?
Super Perfection Pursuer
What did my mother do which causes her to love merit accumulation so much and had the chance to make merit with Luang Pu when he was still alive? What deed makes her, at the last period of her life, suffer with blood pressure, rheumatoid, thyroid and makes her tumble so many times that her ankles are no longer strong which obstruct her from coming to the temple? What retribution makes her not to have gum edge which causes her to be unable to wear false teeth, so it is difficult for her to eat and defecate?
Answer by Law of Kamma :- dog vs ghost
When a dog sees a ghost, why does it howl?